Three Ways Minimalism Has Surprised Me
Hello again.
So I know I've been talking about minimalism a lot lately, but ever since I discovered the movement online (thanks Pinterest), I just haven't been able to stop thinking about how I can implement these practices into my daily life.
As to my previous post, I still need to sit down and go through the jewelry in my holder that hangs on the back of my door. I should be able to get to it soon.
Today, I wanted to tell you about the three most significant things that have surprised me about minimalism. Let's see...
1. The first thing would have to be how much better I feel.
I can't even begin to tell you how much lighter my spirit is since getting rid of all the things that were lining my walls and spilling out of my closet. You know when they say "You won't remember what you let go"? Well, they are RIGHT. Let it go and I guarantee you, you will not remember it within a week, or less.
2. Practicing minimalism has inspired my family to do the same.
In the beginning, I didn't think my family would be on board with cleaning out all the extra stuff we had, but when I got started and they saw how happy it made me, they began to clean out, too. I know there are many people out there who worry their families aren't ready to take the leap, but once you get started, you can't stop! It just feels good to rid yourself of old things or items you spent money on but never use.
My Dad is definitely a neat person, as is my Mom, but when you are overwhelmed with the amount of items you have in your home, it is really hard to get started. Part of the reason we really got started was when we had a bit of a flood in our back bathroom. We had the carpet replaced and there wasn't much damage done, but the water did ruin my Mom's bedside table legs. Once we got rid of that and pulled everything out of their closets, they saw how much they really had. I did the same when I purged my own closet.
I am now 30 years old and I still live at home. I don't feel ashamed about that at all because it is where I want to be, and now that we are working on cleaning out the house, I am even more glad to be at home with them.
3. I am more apt to spend time in my Bible and other books.
For some reason, I was always too distracted by my environment of STUFF that I couldn't focus on reading. I am the kind of person who has to have quiet to absorb what she is reading. Now, my bedroom reflects that and my brain thanks me for it.
As to my Bible study, I had to make a decision earlier this year to clean out because I just couldn't stand the stuff anymore. We aren't hoarders, so don't think it was that bad, but it really felt like I was up to my neck in things I didn't use or need anymore. I now WANT to spend time in my room, reading my Bible, whereas before it was hard to concentrate.
I don't want to waste any more of my time on this earth rearranging junk that has crept into my life because I spent money when I shouldn't have.
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