Thoughts on the Alabama Abortion Ban

In the wake of the Alabama Abortion Ban, I've been reading.

Shocker, I know.

More specifically, I've been reading a book titled "Natural Rights and the Right to Choose" that touches on natural law, progressivism, when a man becomes a human being, etc. It has been fascinating to read and study. I feel like I am gaining a greater grasp on the progressive side of things, and frankly it is terrifying.

According to the author, Hadley Arkes, progressives and the university elites teach moral relativism in everything because they have nothing new to show for all of their research. They don't teach liberal arts or the classics because they no longer believe in absolute truth, of which the classics are full. Hadley says they come into the university classroom and pontificate all over their students ideas that form no new arguments. They don't have anything new to say and it causes said arguments to go round and round in circles, essentially coming right back to where we don't want to be.

The place we don't want to be is essentially what the Nazis believed; that a human being is only a human being if they deemed it so. This way of thinking comes from the German philosophers like Nietzsche who believed in Nihilism: everything is nothing, so what's the point?

It is such a sad and deadly way to live your life, and eventually drove Nietzsche to madness.

The university elite keep telling these lies and in the meantime, demean and put effort into erasing our founding documents because they don't believe "all men are created equal." They believe our founding documents should be changed to fit the times, and that my friends, is very dangerous. It's the same thing with those who want to change the Bible. It gets us nowhere and we become what we said we hate: barbarians who only use people and don't believe they have human rights.

Pro-abortion advocates have fallen for these lies in the name of "progress," meaning they believe that a human is only a human when they deem it is a human. They refuse the truth that says a life is a life at conception. If children can be thrown away, then what else can be thrown away? We've seen it in Iceland where they say "We've eradicated Down Syndrome!" But in reality, they are only aborting babies in the womb who have it. That is not science. That is murder in the eugenics sense.

It is really hard for me not to say anything about this subject because it is a human rights issue. If we continue to pat ourselves on the back when our nations implement assisted suicide, abortion on demand and without apology, and a myriad other horrors, where are we headed? Human life is precious. Human life, from conception to the grave, is PRECIOUS. We must not allow ourselves to continue believing the lies of the university elites who know nothing new and who refuse to use scientific fact as a means to justify their claims.

Their arguments are wrong and only self-serving. We have to stop preaching this "women need abortion!" lie.

They don't, and neither does our society.

Abortion is only a ruse for murder of convenience. Nothing more. We need to love these mothers to the truth and continue valuing life as it begins in the womb. And a big part of this is telling women to value themselves enough not to have sex until they are in a committed relationship that can support a child. Sex is the pipeline for life, and it must be treated as such.


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