Practicing Minimalism

Today was my 30th birthday.

I don't feel any different, which is fine and good. I didn't think it would be a big deal, and it hasn't been. I spent time with my family and my new co-workers, then came home and did what I usually do. I talked on the phone with my Aunt Kim and then my best friend, Margaret. I like to hear their voices whenever I can because I love them so much.

Margaret and I discussed going back to landlines because we get tired of being constantly connected to the internet. Remember the days when you used to leave a message for someone if they didn't answer, then you'd wait until they called you back? That was nice and I miss it.

We are still in the midst of cleaning out our house. We finished painting the living room, dining room, hallway, and both bathrooms this week. Now everything matches and the creamy white color opens up the room much better. I feel refreshed and happy now. We still have some things to arrange/get rid of, but that will take some time. The better it begins to look, the more Mom and Dad want to get rid of the things we don't need anymore. I am enjoying the process immensely if I'm honest.

I've been reading a lot about minimalism and how it works, so that is what has inspired me to clean out and create a better space for myself in our home, and along with that I have encouraged Mom and Dad to do the same. They have done so well and I am so proud that they want to do this little journey with me. It is hard, but we are progressing.

I still feel like there are things I need to get rid of in my closet, so I think I will go through them tomorrow and this weekend. I cleared it out fairly well a few months ago, but a lot of things have crept back in, sadly. You think you are done, then you turn around and realize you really do have an attachment to things you never use or wear anymore. I don't want to be crazy about all of this, but it has definitely gotten to the point where I want space to just hang or set the things I truly do care about. The hardest thing to let go of has been my books. However, I recently read a post about that very thing on the Becoming Minimalist website that was a great inspiration.

The author said he cut down his library of books in boxes from 1000 to 100. An amazing feat! I got rid of a TON of books, and now when I think back to it, I am shocked at how many I actually had in my room. Two bookshelves full, with books in front of and on top of those on the shelf. It was bad, so I won't ever go back to that.

I also got rid of a lot of clothes that I don't wear anymore, or that I can't wear because I have gained weight. That is another story in itself... I keep saying "I'm working on it" but can't seem to make the weight come off. I need to try harder and be more conscious of it.

I feel like cleaning out the house will help me in that area. I have been able to think better with all of the clutter gone, and I am ready to move even more out. I even have posters from my teenage years that I don't want anymore, cluttering up the crevices in my closet. There are shoes I also need to get rid of. I wore the same brown sandals last summer/fall and am still wearing them this year. They are the Merrell brand so I think I will just buy the same pair again when these start to wear out (which they already have, actually).

If I had my way, I'd do the minimalist capsule wardrobe where you have only a certain number of high quality pieces of clothing that you wear. A winter capsule and a spring/summer capsule. I do know that sweaters take up a LOT of space, and I really need to clean out those drawers in my closet again.

The funny thing is, I actually like cleaning out. I get some kind of high seeing the finished product... clean closets, clean floors, walls not cluttered with things leaning against them. Is that weird? I don't think so, really.

Minimalism is all about collecting memories, not things, and only keeping the items you absolutely love and use on a regular basis. I have so many things I love, but only a few of them would I just die if I didn't keep them. You have to make decisions when attempting to declutter, but in the end, it is all worth it.

I will update later on how it is going.


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