The Top 11 Books I Keep On My "Minimalist" Shelf

I know I am doing this minimalism thing, but one of the points they emphasize is that if an item brings you joy or is useful, keep it. They've told people with book collections (who adore their books) to keep whatever books they truly love.

I think that's fair, right?

Although I have gotten rid of many, many books, there are some titles I like to have close at hand. There is something about just knowing they are there whenever I "need" to read them. I hope my reader friends out there feel the same.

A familiar book is like an old friend; they are there through the hard times and also the good times. For myself, I do not read a book flippantly. If I am going to actually take the time to go from the first chapter till the last, that's an investment for me. I don't just read to read... I read to know, to enjoy, and to carry the words around with me for weeks, even months, after the book is finished.

Honestly, I think that's how it's supposed to be, anyway. Certain books bring about specific feelings that no other book can. Between the paperback or hardback cover is a whole new world... cue Aladdin ;)

So now I thought I'd have some fun and also give you a little insight into what I keep on my shelves; the books I can't live without. Let's go with the top ten.

1. Beauty, A Retelling of Beauty and the Beast.

This book is my most favorite book of ALL. TIME. I can't count how many nights I have stayed up late reading the story of Beauty and the Beast in this beautiful newish version. When I read it, I am calmed. I love the quietness of the story, and the fact that the castle is silent, not filled with singing pots and pans (I love the Disney movie too, so don't get me wrong). It is deeply romantic and just my most favorite book in the whole world.

2. Jane Eyre.

I don't feel the need to say much about Charlotte Bronte's most affecting work. It has everything you could ever dream of.

3. The Mark of the Lion series.

This is a trilogy (I know, I know) set in Rome after Jerusalem has fallen to the Romans. It follows the story of a Christian girl as she is sold into slavery and falls in love with the handsome Marcus, a very rich and troubled Roman. That's just scratching the surface of the entire story. It's got gladiators, battles, murder, romance, you name it. I've read the first book so many times, I can't keep count!

4. The Harry Potter series.

A seven book series is considered one story, right? Well it does to me. And who doesn't love Harry Potter?

5. To Kill a Mockingbird.

A classic that I've read so many times, I've lost count. I love the movie, too.

6. The Hiding Place.

I've read this several times also. We recently read it aloud to one another and cried through almost every chapter. My Dad really enjoyed it.

7. The Lord of the Rings.

I really have nothing to say other than I LOVE THESE BOOKS... (and the movies, too even though they aren't quite like the books. But I don't care, okay?)

8. Angel Harp and Heather Song.

This is a two book series that just took my breath away. The first one was good and reminded me of my month is Scotland *sigh* but the second book was even better! It's romantic, creepy, and just so lovely on so many levels.

9. The Captive.

This is an old Victoria Holt romance. It is one of the best books I've ever read, just really fun and full of romance and intrigue. Plus the protagonist spends the first half trapped in a harem, then escapes to England where things get even more interesting. Holt's books are just good and juicy for a rainy evening read.

10. The Castle in the Attic.

This is a children's book that I found at the library book sale. I recommend it to everyone because it is one of my favorites. It's about a little boy who doesn't want his nanny to go back to England when he has gotten too old to even have a nanny. She has an old play castle sent over from her home in England, and all sorts of interesting things happen when he decides to use magic to keep her with him. I love it because it teaches children about growing up and how to be brave when you most want to be scared.

Okay, let's do eleven books.

11. Major Pettigrew's Last Stand.

I can't tell you how much I enjoyed reading this book. I love British humor, so my mind catches on quickly to their little quips and sayings. I especially loved this one because it is about an older man finding love again in the most unlikely place. A lovely, lovely novel that should be read by everyone.

Well, I hope you enjoy my list. I could probably add a ton more, but I'll stop there. For now ;)

Minimalism is hard, but once you get rid of the excess, you begin to realize how valuable the things you really love actually are. Thus my list. These are the titles I could enjoy over and over, and I want to keep it that way by not adding so many books that I don't love to my collection.


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